Friday, October 1, 2010

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

I completed the Ecological Footprint quiz and was really shocked at what I learned. It showed me that if everyone lived like I do, we'd need 4.2 Earths do provide enough resources for everyone! That's a big shocker! It takes 18.6 global acres of the Earth's productive area to support my lifestyle; that's 18.8 tons of carbon dioxide that would need to be produced. Services have the most impact on my ecological footprint at 48%, then it's Food at 21%, Goods at 15%,shelter at 11%, and Mobility at 4%. Those percents show how much of each I demand out of the earth. It's amazing to think about how much of the Earth's resources we (as in the whole world) are using and not really even thinking about it.

I looked at how I could change my ecological footprint and learned some really interesting facts. If every American purchased products that used less packaging or were made out of 100% post consumer recycled content material, we'd use 645 million fewer global acres. That's an area that would cover about 484 million football fields! By eating less animal products, carpooling and buying more recycled products I could change how many global acres I use on this earth. Those are three things I'm going to try to do more to bring down my ecological footprint.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Share and Voice: Fall in Duluth

Since today was such a gorgeous day, I decided I needed to go outside and just be in nature. Fall in Duluth is one of my favorite times. The colors on the trees are all so beautiful, and it looks so nice with the lake in the background. These pictures were taken in Bagley Nature Area and Chester Park.

I love when there's a reflection of the trees in the lake.

All the trees just look so beautiful! Go take a walk in the woods before all the leaves fall!

If your looking for somewhere nice to walk around campus, try Chester Park or Bagley. Both have spectacular views and really make you appreciate nature. It's also very relaxing to just walk around in the woods and get away from the stress of school.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Read'n'Seed: Paper or Plastic: Searching for Solutions to an Overpackaged World

The book I chose to read is called Paper or Plastic: Searching for Solutions to an Overpackaged World by Daniel Imhoff. The book is about how much waste is used to create paper and plastic bags; and how much waste we cause by using them. The book tells about how people can make a more sustainable future. I chose to read this book because where I work, we are trying to get people to go bag free or use reusable bags. We are always supposed to ask customers if they NEED and bag and not if they WANT a bag. I think it would be really interesting to learn more about the waste people cause with bags.

3 Links about book:
  1. Powell's Books
  2. Green Muze
  3. Watershed Media
The book is 168 pages and has about 24 chapters. Therefore, I will split it up by reading 6 chapters for every quarter of the book.

Share and Voice: UMD Market Day in the Plaza

I know this is last minute, but the last UMD Market Day in the Plaza for the year is tomorrow, Wednesday September 29th! It goes from 1:30-4:30 and it is located right on Kirby Drive! The UMD Market Day in the Plaza has a Farmers Market with all local vendors. It also has music, free bike tune-ups and Art from local artists and crafters. According to the website, here's the list of who will be at the Market tomorrow:

  • Darrell Doug Dale: many varieties of apples.
  • Seeds of Success: fresh assorted veggies & herbs.
  • Maxine Jordahl: baked goods, canned goods and a variety of produce including squash and pumpkins.
  • Susie Olund: glycerin soaps, pickles, squash, potatoes, hot peppers, kale, swiss chard, leeks, carrots, beets, potatoes, jam, greens, and more!
  • Deb Shubat: parsnips, pie pumpkins, baby cabbages, onions, and 3 varieties of garlic suitable for planting or eating: Russian Giant, Music, and Persian Star. Also, two great winter squash varieties: Sunshine and Confection are both sweet and orange inside, and keep for months at room temperature. Crackers and possibly flatbreads.
  • The Wholesome Hippie: mostly-organic coconut granola, and a 100% organic nut-free variety too.
  • Peggy Sobczak: sweet grass braids, a variety of veggies, squash and zucchini and herbs.
  • Bayfield Apple Co. will be there and will have apples, apple butter, apple mustard, cider and more!
  • The Lily Ladies: information on over 100 varieties of lilies, unique varieties and perennials. Open by appointment only, (218) 525-4653 or email:
  • DJ Mouse from Cayman Farms: breads, veggies, chutneys, and hot sauces.
  • Kim Herschler from Deeps Coffee: home-roasted coffee: Kenya AA Kichwa Tembo, Guatemala Huehuetenango, fair-trade organic Peruvian, Mexican Chiapas Decaf, Sumatra Mandheling, and latte-style espresso blend. Plus, pints of cherry tomatoes in various shapes, sizes, and colors.
  • Stacey with Energy for Life Connection: will NOT be at the final market, but hopes to see you at future events. (There is a Farmer's Market event on Saturday Nov. 20th and the "Get it Local" event on Dec. 4th.) You can contact her through her website atfor all your wellness needs throughout the fall and winter season.
  • Jamison Meats: fresh local meats including beef, pork & chicken. Look for the white van near the edge of the plaza.
For more Information on who else will be there you can click on this link UMD Market Day in the Plaza for the website. I've been to a UMD Market Day before and it's a really good time! You can find plenty of local food and crafts. Go check it out!